Principal Update 4/17/23

Hola Familias de Humanitas,

Este es el Sr. Austin, director de la Academia Humanitas de Justicia Social.

11th grade students will be testing this week and next on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure that they are well rested and arrive to school on time. All 11th grade students will need to complete all of the testing. If your student is absent they will be tested at another time, so let’s make sure everyone is here for our testing days so we can get them done the first time.

As a reminder, there is no school on Monday, April 24th as we remember victims of the Armenian Genocide.

Please join us on Thursday April 26th for Student-Led Conference. This year conferences will be held in our classrooms. You and your students can join us any time between 5:15 and 7:00.

Do you know a student who wants to attend Humanitas next year? LAUSD Zone of Choice office is still accepting applications. Sign-ups are available through or you can visit our office for a printed copy. If you have a student who was assigned to another school but wants to attend Humanitas please contact our office. 

Have you always wanted a Humanitas hoodie, t-shirt, sweat pants or even a blanket? We have an online shop selling all of those and more, but it is only available this week. Visit this link or our website to get yourself some really good looking Humanitas gear.

We are down to the last seven weeks of school. Please help your student to be at school every day and to get the help they need to have the best final report card possible. If your student needs extra support make sure they ask their teacher. You can also call our school office and we can help you connect to your student’s teachers.

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us at (818) 838-3915 or by email through our website.