SJHA & CCLA Policies

Table of Contents

  1. Attendance Policy
  2. Tardy Policy
  3. Electronics & Cell Phone Policy
  4. CCLA Dress Code
  5. LAUSD Student Code of Conduct
  6. Restorative Discipline Policy
  7. CCLA Visitor Policy
  8. Student Emergency Information Form Attendance (Spanish & English)
  9. Parent Portal Registration Guide

1. Attendance Policy

  • When students are absent, it is their responsibility to figure out what class work/information they missed and make it up in a timely manner.
  • Student & the parents are required to provide verification for every absence.
  • Notify the school by phone or with a written note brought to the office before class the day the student returns.
  • Unresolved absences may become truancies in the student record, and could ultimately result in a citation.
  • Attendance is a big deal! Low student attendance means loss of resources for our school. Please plan appointments and travel on non-school days. Please support SJHA by getting your children to attend school 100 % of the time.

LAUSD  Attendance Guide for Parents: Attendance District Guide

2. Tardy Policy

Time management is an essential skill for achieving personal, academic and professional success. Students who are chronically late will fall behind, experience stress or struggle with focus and organization. Timeliness is a sign of integrity, responsibility, & respect.

SJHA students are expected to be in their seat at the start of every class. Students who are late more than 3 times in a semester will experience the following escalating consequences:

  • Detention & Parent Contact
  • Detention & Mandatory Parent Conference
  • Saturday Detention
  • After School Campus Clean Up
  • Seniors: Excessive tardies results in loss of Senior privileges activities

3. Electronics & Cell Phone Policy

We understand that cell phones are important for personal communication and, at times, aid in student organization and learning. However, they can also be a major distraction to your education. Should you choose to bring your devices to school, you are to use them responsibly and appropriately according to the following guidelines.

  • Electronic devices can be used before school, after school & during lunch/passing periods
  • Electronic devices must be silenced and out of sight during class
  • Devices may be used in class for instructional purposes when explicitly permitted by the teacher
  • Students leaving the classroom for any reason, must leave their device with the teacher while they are gone

Students are subject to the following consequences when they violate the Electronics/Cell Phone Policy:

  • 1st Violation: Device taken away for the remainder of the day. Student may pick up in the Main Office after school
  • 2nd Violation: Device taken away for remainder of the day. Parent/guardian notified and required to pick up device between 7:30am-3:00pm
  • 3rd Violation: Device taken away for remainder of the day & will receive 3 BEHAVIOR stamps. Parent/guardian notified and required to pick up device between 7:30am-3:00pm
  • Additional Violations: The device will be taken away. Student & parent/guardian must attend meeting with counselor and administrator to receive the device.

4. Cesar Chavez Learning Academies Dress Code

CCLA has adopted a dress code that is reasonably related to the health and safety of all students. Students are expected to dress in a manner appropriate for an academic setting.   School officials shall have the final discretion in determining whether or not a student’s apparel complies with CCLA dress code guidelines. Students in violation of dress code guidelines are subject to the consequences of their respective academies.

 Dress Code: Clothing should be properly sized, fitted, and appropriate for school.

  • Females:
    • Shorts, skirts, and dresses should ideally fit no shorter than mid-thigh length.
    • Tops and blouses should cover the midriff, back, sides, and cleavage.
    • Undergarments should not be exposed (i.e., bras, bra straps).
  • Males:
    • Pants and shorts should fit appropriately.
    • Underwear or shorts worn underneath pants should not be exposed.
    • No ribbed undershirts. Shirts should not have the sides cut out.

Accessories: Accessories must not compromise the safety of students nor distract from the learning environment.

  • Students must wear academy lanyards at all times.
  • No spiked accessories or jewelry, long waist-chains, over-sized rings, steel toe boots, or large belt buckles.
  • Belt buckles must not display inappropriate pictures or lettering (i.e., gang-related images or offensive references).
  • No gang affiliated apparel or accessories including bandanas.

Footwear: All shoes must be attached to the feet. No slippers, flip-flops or sports sandals.

Graphics/Images/Slogans/Logos: All items of clothing including outerwear, headwear, footwear, or accessories must be respectable and non-offensive. Language and/or references that may be deemed inappropriate/offensive in any of the following areas are not permitted:

  • Race or ethnicity
  • Sexuality, gender, or sexual orientation
  • Physical ability or mental capacity
  • Religion
  • Drugs or alcohol
  • Weapons

Professional Sports Team Logos: Due to the nature of certain logos indicating an affiliation with rival groups or organizations, certain logos are restricted. Administration shall have the ultimate discretion in determining whether a logo is inappropriate or disruptive to the learning environment.

5. LAUSD Student Code of Conduct

Section 300 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations requires pupils to follow school regulations, obey all directions, be diligent in study and respectful to teachers and other in authority, and refrain from the use of profane and vulgar language. The Student Code of Conduct applies to all CCLA activities and events.

Guiding Principles for Everyone in the School

  1. Be Respectful
  2. Be Responsible
  3. Be Appreciative of Differences
  4. Be Honest
  5. Be Safe
  6. Be a Life-Long Learner

Any student found to have committed any of the acts below will be subject to a full investigation and, if applicable, all appropriated disciplinary actions, which may include suspension, expulsion, and/or referral to law enforcement. These are not permitted.

  1. Bullying/intimidation
  2. Weapons possession
  3. Fights/threats/violence
  4. Drug possession/sale
  5. Graffiti/vandalism
  6. Gang activity
  7. Cheating and plagiarism
  8. Forgery and falsification
  9. Sexual harassment and assault
  10. Blackmail and extortion
  11. Prejudice and hate crimes
  12. Robbery and stealing
  13. Fireworks and firecrackers


Treating others with respect

Finding peaceful solutions

Listening to each other

Being drug free

Keeping our school clean and beautiful

Having healthy friendships


 LAUSD & SJHA Student Code of Conduct LAUSD-SJHA Student Code of Conduct

6. SJHA Student Behavior Support & Restorative Discipline Policy


Our goal as a school is to envision & enact a restorative discipline policy that supports our students and staff in achieving our vision: self-actualization. To that end, our restorative discipline plan is rooted in the commonly held values of:

  • Building and sustaining community
  • Restoring the harm, not punishing the person
  • Upholding our students’ and teachers’ humanity
  • Building character and resourcefulness. When in doubt, the school vision, mission, & values will drive discipline decisions.

Behavior Support versus Behavior Management

Behavior is the symptom of greater conditions, and like any symptom we need to attend to the underlying causes. Our goal is not to dole out consequences for misbehavior, but rather to identify and address the causes of it and to create supportive environments to remedy it. Positive approaches to behavior support consider all of the many environments that a student experiences (such as school, social, home, physical, etc.). Then, we consider how those environments can be improved so they do not contribute to problem behaviors, but rather contribute to positive behaviors. Then, we identify ways to help students learn these appropriate skills and behaviors. The goal is to create positive interventions that work in real life environments and support all students in being successful.

7. CCLA Visitor Policy:  CCLA Visitors Policy

Documents & Forms